Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Consumed with the Commission

-II Timothy 2:15-

15Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

-II Timothy 4:1-4-

1I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
2Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.
3For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.


There is a tremendous need in the world for men who have by diligence and faithful service and focused study are well equipped with the tools to accurately handle, present, and communicate the word of God.

There is a huge need among the nations for truth to be proclaimed with faithfulness and boldness to a world who have seen inaccurate glimpses of God. There are many who have been turned away from or who now turn a deaf ear to discussions of religion, or more specifically God because those who claimed to be ambassador's of God have actually misrepresented God and instead have presented their fallen selves to a world seeking real answers.

Those who are in sin who are content to offend God need the truth of God to be lovingly and rightly communicated to them and thus,

In the church, there is a need for sound doctrine to be proclaimed from pulpits across the world.

-Contextually speaking-

Timothy's mentor, his disciple maker, the apostle Paul is writing to one whom he loves as a son, one who was entrusted with the spiritual condition of a some people older, more mature, more established in the faith, one left to be a shepherd. In writing to Timothy, Paul gives the exhortation to study the word of God, not just as an intellectual exercise, but for the purpose of rightly dividing, chopping up the word of God skillfully and accurately. Paul also gives in context the exhortation to preach the Word of God faithfully both when its convenient and when it isn't, again NOT for an intellectual exercise, not just to be a cultural irritant, but because in light of the coming storm, Timothy knows that as capricious that the culture is, people will still NEED truth. Because no matter if truth is in vogue or not, truth is always in season. Paul tells Timothy to study to show yourself approved a workman who needs not to be ashamed RIGHTLY dividing the word of truth (caps mine). Not only that though, but to also preach the Word at all times because in the end, people won't hear it. He says that in the last days, men will not want to hear the true, objective Word of God, but in the last days individuals will be intellectually and morally dishonest, so much so, that they will gather to themselves teachers to reinforce their own fleshly desires, they will heap teachers who will tell them that NOW you can live your best life.

-The Commission-

Its been a few years since the Lord called me out, put me on front street for the purpose of proclaiming HIS written and spoken word to a people who are surrounded by a culture that is attacking the core of their foundational beliefs. The task is just as urgent now as it has ever been.

To both study and proclaim at all times the word of God, to accurately share the word of God to a people who may or may not have ears tuned to what God has to say.

In a day where Oprah's heresy and other "ministers'" pop psychology, self help, man centered theologies are running rampant with little or no public rebuke, there is a necessity for those called of God to be trained in the things of God, by men who have proven themselves faithful men, not wavering, not backing down, not evolving away from the Truth of God.

-The Need-

Or should I say the needs are plenty:

-Pray that God would open doors for His men to get the word out.

-Pray that God would open financial doors for myself to be better equipped with the Word of God.

-Pray that God would burden more men with the need for sound education in the text, the interpretation, the communicating, the application of His word.

-Pray for the fellowship in the body of Christ to grant grace one to another.

-Pray that those who are in seminaries and bible colleges are not discouraged by the financial toll that education costs.

-Support a seminarian with your prayers, your support, and your wisdom.

-Pray for the educators that their mission of training young men and women in the WORD of God would continue to motivate and drive them to excellence.

-Pray that seminary students would have the courage to walk out their faith in a mature, missionary way.

In Christ

Rev. Smith

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Matthew 9:36-38'Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. "Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest."'
Matthew 10:1-The Twelve Disciples; Instructions for Service
"Jesus summoned His twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every kind of disease and every kind of sickness."
What an honor it is to be called on as Christ's solution to His compassion. For the first 10 chapters of Matthew, we hear all about lineage of Christ, the baptism of Christ, His teaching, and His disciples have been right there learning from Him, watching His miracles and hearing His teachings.
In Chapter 9 of Matthew, when His compassion was expressed, the first thing He teaches is for His disciples to pray that the LORD of the harvest would send laborers into the harvest. The next thing that we hear from Matthew after this request is Jesus commissioning His disciples to go to the house of Israel, with the message of the kingdom, to cast out evil spirits and to heal diseases...the very work that Jesus was doing.
Working in ministry in general and in the "inner-city youth"specifically, we can easily see Jesus' compassion if we open our eyes. Just as Jesus saw, they are helpless and confused like sheep without a shepherd. They are following anyone who seems to have an answer. Pray that Christ and His teachings be presented in a way that is easily understood, and will that out youth will choose to follow HIM. We are Christ's solution to Christ's compassion.
May we be faithful,

The vision was birthed out of a desire to demonstrate God's relevance, and in a Biblically sound way teach young people who God has communicated and demonstrates Himself to be. We intend to ultimately evangelize, equip, encourage, and disciple young people with a vision to discover and use their God-given talents and abilities to both honor God, and take the message of the cross across/into their various cultures.